Monday, June 28, 2010

Taking out our new Kayaks

We spent some time just chilling out at the lake once we kayaked there.

We took a walk along the river in the mountains

This is one of our many mountain rivers that people go rafting down.

It was so beautiful being in our magestic mountains

Clare is hiding on me

Found him

He can not wait ,to go rafting down these ones ,they are class 4 we were told

Here is Clare's Kayak

Clare with both of the Kayaks

We bought two new Kayaks and decided to take them out for a spin , we had a lot of fun .


Bryan, Sheyleena, Legacy, & Ryland said...

Good Job your getting the hang of blogging!! I supposse we can expect your next post a year from now ?!? j/k Looks like Fun !

Lindsey said...

I'm impressed your blog looks great!! And your pictures are beautiful! Where was that you guys went?